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I. General provisions

1. Capitalized terms in these regulations have the following meanings:

"Publisher" - D4U Sp. z o. o. with its seat at ul. Cechowa 51, 30-614 Kraków, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS, NIP, REGON, with a share capital

of PLN 20,000.00 paid in whole

"Salon" - the Publisher's D4U store located on the territory of the Republic of Poland, offering Goods and Services, with the exception of the online store operating at the Internet address The list of showrooms is available on the website

"D4U Gift Card" - a voucher issued to the bearer, entitling the User to purchase Goods and / or Services in the Showrooms

"Buyer" - a person who purchases a D4U Gift Card from the Publisher in exchange for a transfer of funds in the amount corresponding to the nominal value of a D 4U Gift Card

"User" - the buyer or each holder of a D 4U Gift Card

"Goods" - items offered for sale in Showrooms

"Services" - services offered in the Showrooms

"Regulations" - the regulations of the D 4U Gift Card available on the websiteówowe and in the Publisher's Salons. Words used both in singular and plural may mean, depending on the context, also plural and singular, respectively.

2. The Regulations define the rules for the acquisition and use of D 4U Gift Cards.

3. D4U Gift Cards are issued only to the bearer and are sold only in the Salons. The buyer is entitled to purchase a D 4U Gift Card with a nominal value from PLN 50.00 to PLN 5,000.00.

4. The owner of the D4U Gift Card is the Publisher. The Buyer or the User is the holder of the D4U Gift Card. The Buyer undertakes to provide the Issuer with funds in the amount equal to the nominal value of the purchased D4U Gift Card. Payment for a D 4U Gift Card can be made in cash or with a payment card or credit card accepted at the Salon.

5. Payment for a D4U Gift Card cannot be made using another D 4U Gift Card.

6. The D 4U Gift Card entitles you to purchase Goods and / or Services only in Showrooms.

7. The D 4U Gift Card , within the meaning of applicable law, is not an electronic payment instrument, nor is it an electronic payment card.

8. The D4U Gift Card is activated with the purchase of the D4U Gift Card by the Buyer.

9. The D4U Gift Card is valid and active:
(I) In the case of a D4U Gift Card purchased from June 2, 2014 - for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of its activation in accordance with point 8 of the Regulations or the date of its last top-up,
(II) In the case of a D 4U Gift Card
purchased by June 1, 2014 - for a period of 36 (thirty six) months from the date of its activation in accordance with point 8 of the Regulations or the date of its last top-up.

10. Topping up the D4U Gift Card can only be done directly in the Salon and before its expiry date. Each time the D4U Gift Card is topped up, its validity period will be extended:
(I) in the case of a D4U Gift Card purchased from June 2, 2014 - for another 12 (twelve) months from the date of the top-up
(II) in the case of a D 4U Gift Card
purchased by June 1, 2014 - by another 36 (thirty six) months from the date of the top-up.

11. The minimum value of each top-up is PLN 50.00, the maximum amount is PLN 5,000.00.

12. The D 4U Gift Card cannot be exchanged for cash (cash) in whole or in part and cannot be returned to the Publisher.

13. The D4U Gift Card after its expiry date is invalid and does not entitle to make further purchases in the Salons. If, despite the expiry of the validity period of the D4U Gift Card , unused amounts remain on the D 4U Gift Card, these amounts are not refundable and may not be the subject of any claims of the Buyer and / or User.

14. The User is solely responsible for the correct use and security of the D4U Gift Card. The Publisher shall not be liable for D 4U Gift Cards that have been lost, damaged or destroyed after handing them over to the Buyer.

15. The Buyer and the User are not entitled to any claims against the Publisher for loss (including theft), damage or destruction of the D4U Gift Card after its transfer to the Buyer and for the use of the Gift Card.  by outsiders. In the event of loss (including theft), damage or destruction of the D4U Gift Card referred to above, the D 4U Gift Card shall not be replaced with a new one.

D 4U

16. Goods purchased with the D4U D 4U Gift Card in the Showrooms are subject to the same return rules as other Goods offered in the Showrooms.

17. In the event that the User has exercised the statutory right to withdraw from the contract of sale of the Goods purchased in the Showroom using the D 4U Gift Card due to the non-compliance of the goods with the contract or a defect in accordance with separate regulations and there are grounds for a refund of the sale price for the goods, the User will receive a refund in cash form.

18. Issuing a D4U Gift Card to the Purchaser / User does not constitute a sale subject to tax on goods and services within the meaning of the relevant tax regulations. The User has the right to receive from the Publisher - at the request of the Publisher at the latest at the time of issuing the D 4U Gift Card - only a non-fiscal printout from the cash register, as proof of payment of funds, not constituting a fiscal receipt or a VAT invoice.

19. The Buyer / User, upon receiving a new D4U Gift Card or topping up a D4U Gift Card, receives a non-fiscal printout from the cash register from the Publisher, confirming its purchase or top-up and confirming the nominal value and number of the D 4U Gift Card purchased / topped up.

II. Rules for using the D4U Gift Card

1. The D4U Gift Card may be used on the terms set out in the Regulations by any User who presents a D 4U Gift Card at the Salon.

2. The Publisher accepts only D 4U Gift Cards, which are active and undamaged and have all protection against counterfeiting, for use in the Showrooms.

3. The Publisher has the right to refuse to redeem a D4U Gift Card in the following cases:
a) the expiry of the D4U Gift Card,
b) lack of funds on the D4U Gift Card,
c) technical impossibility to redeem the D4U Gift Card (e.g. in the event of loss of connection with the Publisher's IT system),
d) damage by the User of the D4U Gift Card to the extent that it is impossible to read the information stored on the D
4U Gift Card.

4. The User may use the D4U Gift Card many times until the funds on the D4U Gift Card are exhausted, but no longer than until the expiry of the D 4U Gift Card.

5. At the moment when the User concludes with the Publisher a contract for the sale of Goods and / or Services by presenting a D4U Gift Card for execution, the value of the amount collected on the D 4U Gift Card will be reduced by the value corresponding to the amount of the price due to the Publisher for the Goods and / or Service sold.

6. The User has the right to check at any time, directly in the Salon, the current amount remaining to be used on the D 4U Gift Card.

7. When redeeming the D4U Gift Card, the User is not entitled to receive the change in cash, if the price of the purchased Goods and / or Services is lower than the amount collected on the D4U Gift Card. The amount that will remain on the D4U Gift Card after the purchase with the D4U Gift Card remains to be used by the User during the validity period of the D 4U Gift Card.

8. In the event that the price of the Goods and / or Services purchased by the User using the D4U Gift Card is higher than the amount remaining on the D4U Gift Card, the User is obliged to pay the difference in the price of the aforementioned Goods and / or Services in cash or in cash accepted at the Salon with a payment or credit card or using the amounts collected on another D 4U Gift Card accepted by the Publisher.

9. The User, by presenting the D4U Gift Card to the staff of the Showrooms for execution and collecting the Goods purchased with the D4U Gift Card at the Showroom, confirms the order to use the D4U Gift Card to the extent that the use of the card will result from the documentation held by the Publisher.

III. Complaints

1. Complaints related to the purchase and use of a D 4U Gift Card will be considered individually by the Publisher within 30 (thirty) days from the date of submitting a written complaint by the User.

2. Written complaints may be submitted directly to the Showrooms during their opening hours or sent to the address of the Publisher's office: D4U Sp. Z o. O. Ul. Cechowa 51, 30-614 Kraków with the annotation "Gift Card D 4U-complaint".

3. In the event of a complaint regarding a D4U Gift Card that is damaged to such an extent that it cannot be used properly, the Buyer or the User is obliged to provide the Issuer with the complained D4U Gift Card. In the event of a claim by the Buyer or the User regarding a D4U Gift Card, recognized by the Publisher, the Publisher will issue a new D4U Gift Card, credited with the same amount as was accumulated on the damaged D4U Gift Card at the time of its return to the Publisher. The new D4U Gift Card, which the Publisher will issue to the User, will have the validity period provided for the damaged D 4U Gift Card.

4. The provisions of the Regulations do not infringe or limit the rights of the Buyer and the User due to the non-compliance of the goods with the contract.

IV. Final Provisions

1. By purchasing and / or using a D4U Gift Card, the Purchaser and User of a D4U Gift Card declares that he or she has read the content of these Regulations, understands its content, does not raise any objections to it, accepts its content in full and undertakes to comply with it.

2. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the applicable provisions shall apply.

3. The content of these Regulations is available on the website d and in the Salons.

At the request of the User, the Publisher will provide the User with the content of these Regulations in writing.

4. The Regulations come into force on the day of their announcement on the website

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